week six

Pregnancy: Week 6

Momhood, Personaladmin10 Comments

I love food. I love cooking because I love eating the food I make. However, this pregnancy has caused me to hate food. Thinking about food, cooking food and eating food makes me nauseous. So, let's just say I've been having a hard time eating this week. It really, really frustrates me because obviously, I need to eat (and eventually I do) but it's just a mental battle. Today, I found myself curled up on the couch, crying because I felt so awful. It definitely wasn't this bad with Kaiden, so I'm hoping this is a sign that it's a girl? :)I'm definitely in that awkward stage where it looks like I have a gut and not a pregnant belly. Knowing that my baby is only the size of a pea makes me really wonder if it is just a gut -- haha. I have been trying to eat healthier. With Kaiden, I used pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and I gained a ton of weight because of it. I'm sure most people couldn't tell but I know it wasn't healthy weight gain. I actually pulled out my maternity clothes the other day and tried some jeans on for fun, and I was swimming in them. I remember them being so tight at the end of my pregnancy! My goal is to continue eating healthy and excercising, so I'll be in great shape come labor time. I have no problem gaining weight, but as I mentioned, I want it to be healthy weight.Baby Size & Development:Pea. Baby's blood is starting to circulate. It's heart is beating (twice as fast as mine -- in fact!) The eyes, nose, cheeks, and ears are starting to sprout too. :)Signs & Symptoms:Major fatigue. I'm sleepy all the time and have to nap when Kaiden naps (which thankfully is sometimes 2-3 hours a day!)Major nausea. I have a hard time focusing because of how sea-sick I feel. It sucks.Vivid dreams. Yes, they have begun! Every night is an adventure.Round ligament pain. Because my uterus is stretching, I get shocks of pain all throughout my belly at random.Cravings:I had a craving for Panda Express last week and after eating it, I decided I don't want to eat asian food for the next 9 months haha.Best Moment This Week:Watching a developmental video about how baby has grown from week 1 until now. It's crazy when you really think about it.Worst Moment This Week: The nausea. It's tiring and I'm  not even that far into my pregnancy yet.What I Most Look Forward To:November 15th. The day I move onto my second trimester and 1st trimester symptoms should go away.